
New KU Mates

New KU mates from overseas

Welcome to Kyoto ! Kyoto Univ.CO-OP (KU CO-OP) runs about 20 shops and canteens inside Kyoto University to support study lives of all the students and faculty members.
You have to be a member of KU CO-OP to use shops and canteens in the university, and to apply Student Mutual Benefit and GAKUBAI.
You can apply at KU CO-OP office.

How to join the CO-OP
Please come to our offices with Cash Deposit (for CO-OP shares) and ID card.

⇒Deposits are foundation for running KU CO-OP

⇒All deposited shares will be returned in full when you leave KU CO-OP

How to leave the CO-OP

When you graduate, transfer, or retire from KU, your full deposit will be returned. In order to leave the CO-OP, please come to our offices with your membership card.


What is GAKUBAI?

GAKUBAI is a personal Liability Insurance for students.
Please note that: GAKUBAI is neither a life insurance nor health insurance, which is open to student members of UNIV.CO-OP, only.

Coverage of GAKUBAI
(ⅰ)Compensation liabilities in daily life
(inside or outside Japan)

⇒Liability to the third party

Cause damage to household belonging to the people living on a lower level for water leakage from your rented room.

⇒Liability for borrowed items form the third parties.

ex) Drop and break a computer that was borrowed form a company during your internship.

(ⅱ)Compensation liabilities during official lectures / events / training courses (inside or outside Japan)

⇒Liability to the third parties

⇒Liability for infringing on someone's privacy, or defamation.

⇒Treatment, inspection costs of the insured members who are relating to an accident during medical-related training.

(ⅲ)In case of releaf activities and and search-and-rescue expense

ex) In case of an airplane accident: the burden of the transportation expenses to the spot of search-and- rescue, or that of parents occurred.

(ⅳ) Condolence towards to the third party (Depends on injury level of the victims.)

ex) A get-well gift to an injured person when you visit his/her
hospital who broke his/her legs when you knocked them over.

The insurance payment will not be given for the following cases.

⇒Liability for damages to the third party caused by cars or motorbikes(including mopeds)

⇒Liability for damages to the proprietor of rented accommodation(space occupied by renter), such as an apartment etc.

For more information

Brochure !

Please note that :
Japanese language version of the information provided here is to be given precedence.

Member's Information Notification of Change

Member's Information Notification of Change


You can search for rooms at KU CO-OP.


Kyoto University Foreign Students Committee

Kyoto University Foreign Students Committee (FSC) is a student committee established for international students to enjoy a college life and communicate with more Japanese students.
We usually plan a few events every month like welcome parties, excursions, or cultural learning experiences. New members and ideas are always welcome!!
Office: 2F Yoshida Shop in Yoshida-South Campus
Mail: fsc1996*gmail.com(*を@に変えてください。)