
New KU Mates

New KU mates from overseas

Welcome to Kyoto ! Kyoto Univ.CO-OP (KU CO-OP) runs about 20 shops and canteens inside Kyoto University to support study lives of all the students and faculty members.
You have to be a member of KU CO-OP to use shops and canteens in the university, and to apply Student Mutual Benefit and GAKUBAI.
You can apply at KU CO-OP office.

How to join the CO-OP
Please come to our offices with Cash Deposit (for CO-OP shares) and ID card.

⇒Deposits are foundation for running KU CO-OP

⇒All deposited shares will be returned in full when you leave KU CO-OP

How to leave the CO-OP

When you graduate, transfer, or retire from KU, your full deposit will be returned. In order to leave the CO-OP, please come to our offices with your membership card.


Kyoto University requires that all international students subscribe to Personal Liability Insurance for Students. Only student members of the Kyoto University Co-op can subscribe to this insurance. Please register at the same time to become a member of University Co-op.

Please see the following file for information from the co-op

How to apply

This is a procedure at the Co-op counter.
(You cannot apply from overseas.)

List of items required for application
  • Student ID card
    *If you do not have a student ID card, please present a letter of admission or other document that shows your enrollment in Kyoto University.
  • residence card
  • cash(Payment is by cash only)
  • If you have: Account information and seal (or signature) in Japan
Desk of the procedure
  • Co-op member’s office (2nd floor of Yoshida shop) OPEN Weekday 10:00-17:00
  • Shop Renais Carrer&Travel OPEN Weekday 11:00-17:00
  • Katsura B co-op shop OPEN Weekday 11:00-17:00
  • Uji co-op shop OPEN Weekday 11:00-17:00

*Opening hours may be shortened during spring and summer vacations.
Please check our business hours before visiting us.

Member's Information Notification of Change

Member's Information Notification of Change


You can search for rooms at KU CO-OP.



Kyoto University Foreign Students Committee

Kyoto University Foreign Students Committee (FSC) is a student committee established for international students to enjoy a college life and communicate with more Japanese students.
We usually plan a few events every month like welcome parties, excursions, or cultural learning experiences. New members and ideas are always welcome!!
Office: 2F Yoshida Shop in Yoshida-South Campus
Mail: fsc1996*gmail.com(*を@に変えてください。)